Cognitive Health Screening
Knight Wellness offers a computerized cognitive test battery that can evaluate your attention, memory, processing speed, reaction time, and executive function. It takes 30-45 minutes to complete and provides objective data about strengths and weaknesses in your cognition. This type of testing is revolutionary for measuring biological age of the brain and nervous system - lower scores have been linked to increased risk of age-related diseases and shorter longevity. By taking this test, you can gain valuable insight into your cognitive health and take proactive measures to reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Galleri GRAIL Test
The Galleri GRAIL test is a blood-based cancer screening that can detect over 50 types of cancer, including some of the most deadly cancers. Clinical trials show it has high sensitivity for early-stage cancers and could catch cases missed by traditional methods. By detecting cancer earlier, the Galleri test allows for timely intervention and treatment with improved chances of survival and reduced need for aggressive treatments. It's a game-changer in cancer screening.